Home|Body Plastic Surgery|Posterior Body Lift
Losing significant amounts of weight through bariatric surgery or by traditional diet and exercise routines can ultimately lead to loose, hanging skin in a variety of body areas. This can be particularly prevalent in the lower torso and other regions of the midsection and lower half of the body. While a panniculectomy is designed to address loose skin in the abdominal area, a posterior body lift can address the lower back and buttocks area. A lower body lift performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Thomas Lintner, MD can remove excess skin and fat, tighten the remaining skin, and provide you with beautifully renewed body contours.
Posterior body lift surgery is designed to eliminate excess, inelastic skin that is often left over after the loss of large amounts of weight. This procedure can address a number of affected areas, including the:
Posterior body lift surgery can successfully correct an issue that is very common and frustrating for patients who have lost weight. This procedure can ultimately take you on the next step of your weight loss journey and give your skin a smoother, firmer appearance.
With posterior body lift surgery, many patients have successfully attained the physique they were hoping for at the start of their weight loss! To learn more about lower body lift surgery, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lintner to see if this procedure is right for your needs, please contact us today.